All posts in Tutorial

Data from OSBSS proximity sensor

Now that our new proximity data logger tutorial is published, I would like to show some data of its performance. Below are photos from a co-location test with the initial prototype OSBSS proximity sensor and an off-the-shelf Onset HOBO occupancy/light logger in our lab. In our first test we simply launched both sensors with default settings and placed them side-by-side on the desk of a graduate student to record occupancy over a period of about 15 hours (we’re watching you, Parham!).

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Custom T/RH data logger version 0.01 – First build


Yesterday marked a momentous occasion for OSBSS: our first complete build of a custom sensor by a non-expert (me!) using our first online tutorial. After about 9 months of work and many stops and starts with various boards, sensors, software, and design concepts, the development team (Akram Ali and Zack Zanzinger) has successfully developed their first low power data logger built on the Arduino platform. It even has its own GUI to launch the logger! The first logger is designed to measure temperature and relative humidity (read the tutorial here). But the really cool thing is that now they have the basic design for a custom data logger with low power draw and a long battery life that can be used to accept any number of other sensors that we are planning to build. We have already prototyped and sourced many of these others sensors, which, combined with the background legwork Akram and Zack have done, should allow for fairly rapid prototyping of new sensors and tutorials. Not bad for a team of architectural engineers without formal electronics training!

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